Country Club

SL,UT Swingers

Why do we ask for donations?

For full transparency, our current costs include:

  • Hosting and maintaining this website: $20/month.

  • Advertising on websites like, Kasidie, LifestyleLounge, SwingLifeStyle, FetLife, AdultFriendFinder, Swingers Date Club, Full of Desire, Swingular, Quiver, ClubForePlay, AltPlayGround, SwingerZoneCentral, LoveVoodoo, SwingTowns: $135/month.

  • Hours of our time replying to emails, advertising, updating the website, searching for venues, and going through applicants: 20-30hrs/month.

  • Cost of alcohol at events -- we like to buy a few bottles and/or pitchers of beer for the group: $50-75/month.

  • Cost of private venues: $0-300/month.

So, if you enjoy our events and you'd like to donate a small amount to help us offset our costs, we'd really appreciate it!